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Key Executive Roundtable

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Kate Koch

Chief Financial Officer, SEEK

On the benefits of Key Executive Roundtable

“I really value my membership of my Roundtable. As well as being fun and engaging, I look forward to spending time on a semi-regular basis with forum members from other industries and explore topics in a safe, confidential setting. And yes, I’m a CFO, but the strategic and operational context that other members bring to topics that I may be struggling with is hugely helpful. At the end of the day, many issues are common across the C-suite and taking a different point of view on topics is very refreshing. Listening to Roundtable members and external speakers on relevant topics allows me to rise above the day to day noise and I find I often solve other unrelated issues that I may have been struggling with."

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Rod Caust

General Manager, Bunnings Trade

On the benefits of Key Executive Roundtable

“I continue to value my membership and the experiences that are made available through the Executive Roundtable program. Our networking cohort has been able to build a high level of trust and the time together is both, enjoyable and rewarding. The opportunity to engage with like-minded Executives from many diverse industries and be able to openly collaborate in a safe, confidential environment is extremely insightful and helpful. The ability to leverage previous experiences of successful peers in discussions provides many reflective moments and alternative opinions to consider. Complimentary to the scheduled meetings, is the accessibility to professional speakers that are valuable, educational and thought provoking.”

Pitched at Executives running large organisations (circa 800 staff +). For many Senior Executives, the function continues to expand in scope requiring the contemporary Executive to strengthen their leadership and management capabilities. This Roundtable provides fresh perspectives, new ideas and solutions to the most pressing business issues and concerns, at regular group meetings.

Key Benefits

  • Learn from other successful peers in your group – ignite ideas around your own practices by learning from the experiences of others in your specific field

  • Grow your business by recharging your thinking with new approaches, forward planning and fresh perspectives

  • Count on confidential and honest advice from a circle of trusted peers whose only agenda is to help you succeed

  • Drive collaboration & innovation within your peer group

  • Build your professional network



Key Executive Roundtable is a high-level, peer support / networking cohort for 12 like-minded, non-competing Executives who meet on a semi-regular basis.
Our Executive Roundtable program will support you in your Leadership role and bring value to your organisation recharging your thinking with new approaches, fresh perspectives and forward planning to build a future-ready organisation.
A typical meeting includes:

  • Thought leadership – the group’s leading Chair presents scenarios to guide Members through the dynamics of the contemporary business landscape.

  • Expert speakers and themed workshops - deal with focused topics relevant to the group

  • Member spotlight – a member shares a key issue they are facing for group discussion and support.

  • A confidential forum - members engage in broad peer-to-peer discussions about shared issues and specific challenges.

The business landscape is changing fast and the bar is now higher than ever for the progressive Executive who wants to drive change.
When it comes to Executive development there are a number of different options such as working with an Executive Coach, an Executive Mentor, Executive leadership training, Executive courses, Executive training, vendor-sponsored networking events, Executive conferences and an MBA.
We are a ‘pureplay’ provider of various Executive Roundtable programs, it’s all we do and consequently, we believe we do it best. It’s worth mentioning we do not engage in supplier or vendor relationships.
This informal program equips you, as a modern Executive, with the knowledge, skills, and network you need to successfully increase both company & personal performance and productivity.

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