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CEO Roundtable

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Jack Rowe

CEO, The PSA Group

On the benefits of CEO Roundtable

“My membership of the Roundtable program has been extremely valuable in many ways, from the ability to apply my knowledge to other business problems to building relationships and networking in a secure and confidential setting. Having a forum to work with other Executives provokes thought, introspection and a fresh way of seeing things, as well as understanding that although sometimes as executives we are isolated, that we are not alone, there is a big group of people going through the same problems as we are. This is a program that also delivers access to professional speakers who provide valuable, educational, and thought-provoking content, further enhancing my professional development and business insight.”

Jane Prior

Jane Prior

General Manager,
WT Partnership

On the benefits of CEO Roundtable

"My Roundtable meetings are the highlight in my calendar. It’s a pause time out, to be stimulated to learn from others. I have found it to be that rare but increasingly important step out of the day to day “busy-ness”, taking the time to think and reflect, to be inspired by new ideas and people, to reset my perspective, and gather independent views and advice. I really appreciate the diversity of topics and thinking the group brings and the knowledge we gain from each other. We are building and maintaining that rare, but incredibly valuable network of trusted confidantes. The ones you can talk openly to about what’s really going on, who will push your thinking and really help you progress. "

Pitched at the Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director. A modern CEO has to be constantly breaking new ground. This informal program equips CEOs, with the knowledge, skills, and network to realise the potential that lies ahead as well as the many challenges and risks.

Key Benefits



Whether you are running a business or you're the CEO of a company, it can often feel lonely at the top. It doesn't have to be that way. CEO Roundtable will help you by providing support, objective guidance and frank advice.

Business Leaders are under tremendous pressure to be increasing company performance and productivity, innovate and develop their own leadership qualities.

LCA takes a unique approach by supporting curious and progressive CEOs to derive practical benefits by being part of a dedicated membership-based peer group.

Roundtable Members count on each other to provide fresh perspectives, new ideas and solve the most pressing business issue and concerns at regular group meetings.

If you are considering professional development, we understand you have different options to choose from such as your classic MBA, Executive Courses, a CEO Mentor or a CEO Executive coach. So what sets our program apart? 

Our informal program is made up of 12 like-minded committed CEOs who, in a safe environment, share new ideas, best practices and collectively solve pressing business issues.

We focus on providing a valuable Member experience free of vendor sponsored marketing.

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