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CIO Roundtable

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Therese Chakour-West

Chief Information Officer, Bunzl APAC

On the benefits of CIO Roundtable

"Joining the CIO Roundtable has been invaluable, in more ways than one. I have met some high calibre technology leaders across different industries and learnt about their respective organisations, where I would not otherwise have had that opportunity. It is a safe forum to share the challenges of IT with each other, and seek out proven solutions. I have even adopted some of these solutions in my own organisation. Above all, being a member of the roundtable has been a great learning and development experience for me."

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Scott Wall

Chief Information Officer, Bank Vic

On the benefits of CIO Roundtable

“Although my career has mostly been spent in banking the challenges we all face nowadays with the accelerating rate of change in technology and consumer expectations often driven by the big tech companies, means we need to look outside our business sectors to see how we can innovate and drive digital transformation. The CIO roundtable brings together a diverse group of CIOs from different business sectors who face the same challenges but approach the development of a solution from different perspectives. Being able to leverage this pool of knowledge and pre-tested solutions is not only immensely valuable but also enjoyable, add in the guest speakers and this is an investment that pays for itself immediately”.

Pitched at the Chief Information Officer. Fluffy articles, conferences and fashionable media channels offer limited value when it comes to the topics of leadership and transformational change.

This Roundtable allows you to connect with a dedicated group of successful CIOs to harness the power of their experience and expertise. Gain deeper insights. Make better decisions. Create real impact. Become a better leader.

Key Benefits


It’s clear and compelling that now is the right time for CIOs to embrace a “big picture” leadership role in shaping the company’s strategy and vision. CIO Roundtable serves you in the following ways:

  • Recharge your thinking with fresh perspectives and new ideas

  • Grow with your own personal 'Advisory Board'

  • Understand what ‘great’ looks like in other organisations

  • Hear from expert speakers whose brief is to share their expertise and answer your questions, they are not allowed to sell.

  • Refine your leadership style skills and improve your business performance



CIO Roundtable is not like the typical vendor-sponsored networking event which often offers limited value when it comes to topics of leadership and transformational change.

Being part of a dedicated membership-based peer group, LCA takes a unique approach by supporting CIOs to derive practical benefits by engaging in meaningful conversations.


And it’s worth mentioning we do not engage in supplier or vendor relationships.


CIO Roundtable is made up of 12 non-competing members who count on their peers to provide fresh perspectives, new ideas and solve the most pressing business issues and concerns at semi-regular group meetings.

Confidentiality is the foundation. Everything is shared in confidence and remains within the group. A successful CIO will seek support, guidance and advice from qualified, experienced and trusted peers and this is what makes CIO Roundtable so worthwhile.

We understand there are lots of options when it comes to CIO Executive Development such as CIO conferences, a CIO mentor or coach, an MBA and vendor-sponsored networking events. Like in any market sector, these models offer varying degrees of value.

How are we different? Our unique offering is that we curate a small cohort of dedicated CIOs who make a commitment to be supportive and collaborate. Based on trust and confidentiality it’s a safe place to discuss issues, challenges and opportunities.

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